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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 9 am

Thanks for this report. We had "output_buffering = On" and that's why it escaped our scrutiny.

To fix the category sorting issue, follow these easy edits:

---------------[ OPEN ]---------------
---------------[ FIND & REMOVE ]---------------

Code: Select all
         if ($info_msg == '')
            header("Location: cat_manager.php");

---------------[ OPEN ]---------------
---------------[ FIND & REMOVE ]---------------
Code: Select all
         if ($info_msg == '')
            header("Location: article_categories.php");

The official packages have been updated as well.
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Postby mephisto on Jan 18, 2011 10 am

Andrew wrote:Still can't understand why you hate me so vehemently.

Andrew, please, get a grip, I don't hate you. I don't even know you. So how could I?

What I hate is that you are constantly revolving in your own cocoon and are deaf and blind to circumstances as they develop and you refuse to step back, sit down and evaluate current practices and maybe admit that they are no longer suitable and need to be changed. Or that changing them would benefit a lot of people, including yourself and your company.

I never said you never fixed any bugs. I question the way in which you deal with some of them. Your long youtube fixing nights I won't take away from you, but there's more to the story than that and you know it.

I don't like the way you tip toe around issues that pop up like the questionable ethics and behavior of your moderator who violates just about every rule you have ever published here, and always gets away with it. Why is it so hard for you to just say: NO! Why don't you even admit to yourself that all he's really doing here is exploiting this forum for his own purposes and dubious practices. I'm not the only one who noticed or mentioned it. So why don't you act and put a stop to it and restore your own credibility at least. The fact that you even refused to reply to my emails in this regard isn't exactly very helpful either. There's a thin line between dubious practices and criminal energy, I don't see why you would even want to run the risk of being associated with any of it after being informed about it.

I don't like the way you choose to ignore that user-to-user support here is dysfunctional because there are probably 2 users here that are in a position to give decent support and know what they're doing and talking about. And muzikia is not one of them. I've seen things published on this board that were creating serious security issues, and they just get published, people jump on them, and nobody steps in and says "hang on, what's this?". That is no support. That is creating a potential minefield.
You advertise this forum in your marketing and every time I see new people end up here they are disappointed because it is not exactly what they expected. You can't have it both ways, appoint incompetent moderators, that have their own agenda, and not show up here yourself for a month and then at the same time run email support. It's confusing, it's frustrating and it is highly inefficient. How often have you fixed the same problems by now for different customers due to a lack of organisation of support? Even you and Paul are suffering from the highly inadequate policies of some things around here at this stage.

@origon: I never said or implied or even thought phpmelody was crap, I don't know where you got that from or why you are shoving that accusation my way. I don't disagree that upgrades can be used to fix bugs, but the updates here not only fix the existing bugs, the problem with them is that as long as I've been around, they always introduce new features and hence new bugs. There is a difference between an upgrade and an update. Standard procedures for bug fixes are
1. This bug has been found/reported
2. This is how to fix it.
If it needs to be, because some users prefer that option or don't have the skills for manual fixes or are too lazy or whatever other reason one could come up with, you can release an update with all bugfixes every 3 months or so, BUT you don't hold back the bug fixes for 3 months (just an example) just to be able to publish an update and increase your version number. And every bug fix release should be just that. No new features and no new risks of creating even more bugs.
By the time you get to release your collected bug fixes in an update those have all been tested by several people for several weeks, reducing the risk of even more trouble considerably. And if you want to release an upgrade with new features a month later fine. Go for it. Everybody can decide whether or not they want the new features.

I am well aware of procedures of several open source scripts, I'm involved in several of them, but nowhere have I ever seen a mess like this.
A bug fix is a bug fix and should not be disguised as an update. It should be dealt with individually first. Bug after bug. And not put people through an upgrade each and every time again. Maybe even fixing things they don't use.
There is no focus, there never was. I have stumbled upon several problems trying to do manual upgrades before. Wasting a lot of time trying to find out what was going on. I've had times where files were missing in manual upgrades and so on and so forth. It could have been done in 2 minutes if simple and concise BUG FIX procedures would have been given, here on the forums, instead of upgrade instructions.
The previous upgrade even took a couple of sites down completely. If that isn't a red flag then what is?

And as this thread points out. This was a bugfix release, and we're already fixing it again. There is only one way out of this vicious circle. And that is what we all need, including Andrew and Paul.
This thread and the fixes already posted prove beyond any doubt that I'm right.
Why anybody would choose not to avoid all these hassles is simply beyond me.
Last edited by mephisto on Jan 18, 2011 10 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby siva on Jan 18, 2011 10 am

i agree what mephisto said


updates pain in ***
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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 11 am

@mephisto - If you have any suggestions, such as: "Andrew, we/you should do this X thing because Y", then I'm always ready to listen. Funnily enough, I receive such statements from hundreds of people but too few to count from (if any). Yep, you really care.

If you'll keep on spreading the blame butter like an old bitter lady then I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from posting. I'm pretty fed up with your exacerbated negativism, slight manipulations and opinions such as "anyone with half a brain", "andrew's too blind to see", yadda yadda. You are the only one with this behavior. Hope you realize this.

Since you're clearly not happy with my team, the forums or the way I misspell things, then why in the name of everything that's sane do you keep coming here?!?

Personally, I can't find any good reasons why a reasonable person would do this. Someone suggested you might have an authority problem and you keep coming where somebody's listening to your problems or where you can throw shi*t at the "authority" figures.

Who knows?

All I know is that you're in Belgium, the same place where Dr. Evil was born. Strangely enough he's more optimistic than you.

@siva - "updates pain in ***" - Tell me what problems you encountered? Don't you think this would help me, help you?
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Postby mephisto on Jan 18, 2011 12 pm

You don't even see the clear suggestions in there? They're under @origon, that doesn't mean they were only meant for him, they can hardly be any more specific.

I can't make them any clearer, Andrew, I could use a bigger font but I doubt it would help much.

Where does it say you're ignorant?

Where is there any blame in my last reply without facts or examples to back them up?
And as for my exacerbated negativism, maybe you should take a closer look at your own exacerbated positivism and your constant denial instead.

You never listen, at best you pretend you do. Your latest reply is the perfect example of it.

I'm allegedly not happy with "your team" you say. What "team"
You mean Paul and you. You talk like muzikia with all the hyperbole.
There is no "team", it's just Paul and you. All the rest is corporate crap.
You can try and hide behind it in order to look more important but I don't fall for that.

I don't even know where I would have pointed out something you would have "misspelled" and I honestly couldn't care less, it's not exactly relevant is it?

You're obviously so convinced you are a Reasonable Person that you're missing the whole point.
Yet again.
And you systematically refuse to reply to any and all issues I point out.
Just wipe it all away in one go. That's the easiest way isn't it.

At least you're right in one thing, I better refrain from posting.
Makes more sense to talk to the trees anyway.
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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 1 pm

@mephisto - I'd honestly appreciate if you'd stop visiting the forums; I don't have time for all your games. Talk to trees or whoever wants to listen. I suggest you make some friends; you clearly have too much free time with all the "clever" analysis you make.

Hope you'll at least respect your word. You've threatened before to leave, but you don't even respect your words. If so, why should I believe you would respect other people's opinion.
And I can't be bothered anymore. Do what you want. I'm out of here

Hope I won't see such posts because they're senseless. You wanted attention, you got it, now move on ..forever.

Bye bye!

Got work to do.
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Postby vesko on Jan 18, 2011 1 pm

Andrew wrote:Thanks for this report. We had "output_buffering = On" and that's why it escaped our scrutiny.

To fix the category sorting issue, follow these easy edits:

---------------[ OPEN ]---------------
---------------[ FIND & REMOVE ]---------------

Code: Select all
         if ($info_msg == '')
            header("Location: cat_manager.php");

---------------[ OPEN ]---------------
---------------[ FIND & REMOVE ]---------------
Code: Select all
         if ($info_msg == '')
            header("Location: article_categories.php");

The official packages have been updated as well.

now works excellent thanks Andrew
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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 2 pm

now works excellent thanks Andrew

My pleasure and thanks for reporting this problem in the first place. Sorry again. It was a mistake on our end.
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Postby essamabbas on Jan 18, 2011 3 pm

i did the automatic update, updated the templates files as in the readme file instructions, i already have the carbon template and i face a problem in the videos page as follows http://www.egyshows.com/musicvideo.php?vid=7c89aed58

pleas help
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Postby mora on Jan 18, 2011 3 pm

@mephisto We all don't like the way you behave here; everybody helped you when you needed help, but you never help anybody. What this community earned from you was only disrespect, hatred , criticism, ignorance, etc. Nobody here would like that you continue this bad behavior, and like what Andrew said, if you don't like PhpMelody forums, just don't come back , and everybody will be happy.
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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 3 pm

essamabbas wrote:i did the automatic update, updated the templates files as in the readme file instructions, i already have the carbon template and i face a problem in the videos page as follows http://www.egyshows.com/musicvideo.php?vid=7c89aed58

pleas help

You have to use the 1.6.6 carbon template or update your existing Carbon template as specified in the "Manual update" instructions. Let us know how it goes.
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Postby essamabbas on Jan 18, 2011 4 pm

all went ok, BUT for the detail.tpl , i cant find the code to be replaced.
Code: Select all
       <td colspan="2" align="left">

note i'm talking about the carbon template.
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Postby Andrew on Jan 18, 2011 4 pm

If you haven't changed your detail.tpl you can replace it with the one from Carbon 1.6.6
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Postby mora on Jan 18, 2011 5 pm

@Andrew I would like to explain the complain of upgrading to everybody: If somebody takes a script and modify every aspect of it, don't expect an easy way to upgrade, even if phpmelody has a plugin installation system, webmasters will still need to do custom modifications to regular files. In addition, beside PHP code modifications, even if webmasters don't need to modify the php code, they will need to modify the template, when a new version is available, it will still have its own template update therefore, you will still need to do a lot of manual steps to have your template updated , or to copy your custom template changes to the new template.
In brief I suggest the following:-
1- A plugin installation system which doesn't complicate plugin creation or limits the plugin functionality
2- A detailed guide for manual installation that tells each function/line changed
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Postby essamabbas on Jan 18, 2011 5 pm

Andrew wrote:If you haven't changed your detail.tpl you can replace it with the one from Carbon 1.6.6

now working fine, many thanks
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