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I have a very large problem with PHPMelody

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Postby dhunt on Jun 06, 2011 1 am

I don't see a thing wrong with it. After playing around with those "Free" ones, PHPMelody is a breath of fresh air.

As for cost, the box stock PHPMelody has the features you have to pay for with the "Free" versions. By the time you pay for those add ons, they end up costing more than PHPMelody by quite a bit.

PHPMelody has the coding open where you CAN mod it if you know how. It's not like some of the "Free" versions that have them encoded where you can't. Again, cost savings for those that want to mod it for themselves.

There are other positives as well but the MOST important one is, PHPMelody works right out of the box. After dinking with the "Free" versions I appreciate something that does that. In fact, I demand it. And PHPMelody meets that very important demand.


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Postby Trace on Jun 06, 2011 9 am

Good to see another person happy with a superb product :)
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Postby muzikia on Jun 06, 2011 9 am

... even if a difference between the post content and title :)
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Postby Andrew on Jun 14, 2011 7 am

A late... "thank you" from our team!
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Postby dhunt on Jun 15, 2011 7 am


Meant what I said. Oftentimes, the moderately priced that works is a better product than those that don't and are free. I notice that many of the FFMpeg Providers are pushing those free ones and having nothing but trouble with them. I know. Went that route. The writer of the software blames the provider, the provider blames the person that installed it (even when they installed it themselves, it's still the clients fault) or they blame the software.

Usually, it's NOT the provider. PHPMelody works. It's not as fancy as some and it's not free nor does it cost an army and a leg. It just works. I have things I would like to see but even so, I still haven't utilized Melody yet to it's fullest potential.

So keep up the good work. When V2 comes out, I would be more than happy to send you the upgrade fees. Let the free ones stay off my disk.

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Postby Andrew on Jun 17, 2011 6 am

For a software developer the are no sweeter words than: "it just works".

Many of our existing customers confessed following the same route:

"WOW! Free video script" > Installed it > Purchased additional stuff for it > Ran into trouble (no support or it's paid and painfully slow) > Wasted time and $ > Abandoned project > "Let's start looking for something"...

We will keep up the good work.

Thanks Daryl :)
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