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Postby Andrew on Aug 02, 2011 10 am

Hey guys,

There's a recurring theme where I get blamed for allowing the moderators to be abusive and to promote their own products. Obviously, the moderators we're never abusive or using their status to bend the rules.

To solve this recurring theme and banish such thoughts once and for all, I've agreed with muzikia (Dan) to change his status from a moderator to a verified customer. This should clear any doubts people have about the nature of our moderators and their role in this community.

I truly and publicly wish to thank muzikia for all this moderating work, which was very helpful since it freed some of my time. This is not a subjective decision but one based on what's best of this community and the future of PHPSUGAR.

I've also moved the entire "Special offers" forum, to the marketplace forums to keep the 3rd party promotions within the forum's rules.
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