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PHP Melody 1.5

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Postby Andrew on Jul 19, 2008 5 pm

Hi guys,

Without any further delay I present the new PHP Melody (Download the 1.5 update).

Listed below are the new features found in PHP Melody 1.5:

1. Customizable video player
All of the videos managed by PHP Melody will be displayed with a custom player that’s highly customizable. You can customize both the way the player handles the videos and the way it looks.

2. The new Youtube API
Thanks to PHP Melody 1.5, you will be importing videos from Youtube even faster and without the need for a Youtube Developer ID. The old API will no longer be supported by Youtube from August 2008.

3. Eleven (11) new video sources … for now
PHP Melody 1.5 will be able to handle and play videos from 11 different video sources: YouTube, Google Video, MySpace TV, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, Veoh, Current.com, ClipFish.de, MyVideo.de, Break.com and EyeSpot.
More video sources can easily be added.

4. FLV video uploading
In case the 11 video sources aren’t helpful enough you can host and display your own FLV videos. Adding a regular FLV to your site is quite simple and can be done straight from the admin area.

5. HQ videos friendly
You can choose to display very high quality clips on your site. Since PHP Melody 1.5 uses a custom player and allows FLV uploading there’s no reason to neglect this. If you can’t host the HQ videos, you can show them from sites that host HQ videos such as DailyMotion.
This can certainly give you a very competitive edge against your competition.

6. Interactive ‘My Favorites’
My Favorites has been redesigned in a way everyone will appreciate.

7. Guest commenting & moderation
Based on customer suggestions we decided to add this feature. The administrator can enable or disable guest commenting as well as moderate the comments.

8. Top videos can be ‘refreshed’
Instead of just showing the same top videos each time, the administrator can choose to refresh the chart at a certain interval of time (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, etc).

9. Tags
Videos can be assigned tags in PHP Melody 1.5 and this makes them easier to find and sort. A tag cloud has also been placed on the home page. This feature can be disabled at any time.

10. Live search suggestions
Searching is also more dynamic since PHP Melody 1.5 can now recommend videos on the spot. This feature can be disabled at any time.

11. MySQL database back-up on the spot
At any given time you can log in as admin and download a copy of your database for backup reasons. This feature also comes in handy when you’re doing experiments.

12. Internal log
PHP Melody will now keep track of errors and failed admin login attempts.

13. Enhanced admin area
We’ve taken good care of the admin area and we’ve made it more friendly and easy to work with. I’m sure you’ll notice the improvements straight away.

14. PHP Melody + AJAX = Love
For PHP Melody 1.5 we decided to make things a little more interactive. As a result we’ve added Ajax and JavaScript in a few places where it’s surely welcomed.

Here are a few quick links and tips related to the brand new PHP Melody 1.5:

- Download the 1.5 update
- Submit Bug reports for PHP Melody 1.5
- PHP Melody 1.5 feedback and impressions
- PHP Melody 1.6 suggestions (new sub-forum)


- If you want a full copy of PHP Melody 1.5 copy please send a brief email to support with your Customer ID and mail subject: ‘I want a full 1.5’.

- If you purchased any of our templates and need to upgrade please send a brief email to support with your Customer ID and mail subject: ‘Requesting 1.5 template’.
The support email is: support[at]phpsugar[dot]com
There will be a lot of incoming emails and because of this my reply may take up to 24 hours.

I want to thank all those who took the time to e-mail me their opinion and suggestions. The positive feedback has been the best motivational factor for us to keep pushing.

Please do enjoy the 1.5 update and have a perfect weekend!

Your friends,
The PHPSugar team
PHP Melody v3.0
New Series Module? Publish series and episodes right from PHP Melody's Dashboard -->
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Postby Scott on Jul 19, 2008 6 pm

Congratulations on the new release.
Looking forward to getting it up :)
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