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Run your own software site...automatically!

Postby techpro on Oct 17, 2007 10 am

Due perhaps to the fact that I have a big and successful looking site and I have posted in this forum and given a testimonial for URA, I am quite often asked by URA newbies what it takes to start making money.

Probably the best thing I did was to launch my URA site as a subdomain of my main site which was already successful and ranking well in Google. That meant that some of my URA product pages were getting on the first page of Google search results within hours of the site going live. In fact some pages were indexed before I had even finished tweaking the templates!

The problem most people will face who launch a URA site on a new domain is that Google's "sandbox" means that it can take months before a brand new site even gets indexed. Despite all the ads you might see promising to get your site on the first page for x amount, there is not much you can do about this unless you have serious money to throw at marketing. I have one site created to sell a photo recovery product that I set up in April and despite paying a submission service to submit the site to directories it still has a non existent page rank and gets only a few hundred visitors a month.

I think the best thing anyone wanting to start a URA site - or any new site come to that - could do is to try to buy an existing domain that is now "parked" but still has Google page rank. There are a lot of "parked" former download sites with relevant names that could probably be acquired for a few bucks. A lot of domain owners are greedy and want hundreds of dollars for a domain. It should be possible, though, to bargain on the basis that if the site was worth that much, why did they close it? and also that the longer they wait for a customer the greater the chance that it will loose the PR that it had and therefore much of its value.

A few months ago in DigitalPoint Forums someone sold a domain that would have made a great software site for $17. I was really hacked off that I missed it.
Last edited by Andrew on Oct 18, 2007 4 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby transitnetwork on Jul 23, 2008 9 am

I have found a bug in URA, and it's apparent on your web site as well

when using google ads, the entire left column shoots down to the bottom of the ad, this only happens in firefox, how do I fix it? the css looks fine to me.
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Postby techpro on Aug 01, 2008 4 pm

I don't notice this, and I use Firefox all the time (though we use Linux.) This kind of thing is a problem with column layouts that use CSS. I'm afraid I have never found any way to work with CSS except trial and error. Usually I resolve it by reducing the column widths a percentage point or two. But as I said, I can't see the problem (though I do remember it occurring when I was in the process of evolving the standard URA layout into the one I use.)
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Postby kansari on Jan 20, 2010 12 pm

Nice suggestions. It can cost a lot but can give more revenue in short time.
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