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Uneven Grid column height - v1.9 default template

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For PHP Melody version 2 and newer

Postby checkone on Apr 17, 2013 3 pm

Hi guys,

I have a problem when using the 194px thumb class - the columns become uneven in height if the video title under the video thumb is not the same number of lines as the ones on the same row.

Here's the problem I'm having:

This what it should look like:

Thanks for your help
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Joined: Apr 06, 2013 6 pm
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Postby checkone on Apr 17, 2013 7 pm

I've noticed that changing the min-height corrects the problem, but that is a bit dodgy and won't allow for fluid height. Is there a more efficient way of doing this like checking a row and using the height of the tallest column on that row to set the height for it's sibblings? thanks.
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