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Developer needed

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Postby markyy on Jan 19, 2011 5 am

Hello I am considering PHPMELODY as a platform but need a developer to do some work.

My requirements are

1) I would like to use PHPMELODY for a yoga video site and need a template with a zenish/ yogaish design. This would include a logo design. If you are not a designer I can farm this out separately.
2) Mousing over videos in any given category would make the description of the video pop up -- see the site yogaglo.com. Should be done in such a way the future upgrades to newer versions are not going to represent a problem.
3) If possible integrate phpmembers.com or amember.com as a module or in such a way that would not signficantly impede future upgrades to the phpmelody. I am not a programmer so have no idea if this is possible or not.

Thx Mark
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Postby muzikia on Jan 19, 2011 7 am


As only a point of view: at this moment (version 166), PHM doesnt support the Wordpress plugin styles that hook on the system. So, in order to make a plugin, you will need to make some modifications.
If the guy that will work for that project will take care and document the changes, any upgrade should be not so difficult.

Integrating phpmembers.com or amember.com will require more structural changes though that, probably, can be done and for sure reverted back, if necessary.
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