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Postby muzikia on Jul 09, 2012 9 am

Dhunt, which is the bounce rate for your website ?
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Postby dhunt on Jul 09, 2012 3 pm

muzikia wrote:Dhunt, which is the bounce rate for your website ?

Just go back to peddling your youtube Terms of Service violation crap that you don't really support that well.

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Postby muzikia on Jul 09, 2012 5 pm

Got it from your answer and attitude.
Probably you have 80-90% bounce rate.

Therefore really doesn't matter all this.
Sure I am the only staying 1 minute and probably M. for another one.

And have no idea what we should discuss here: you don't have ppmelody anymore.
So let the pig fly.
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Postby dhunt on Jul 09, 2012 6 pm

muzikia wrote:Got it from your answer and attitude.
Probably you have 80-90% bounce rate.

Therefore really doesn't matter all this.
Sure I am the only staying 1 minute and probably M. for another one.

And have no idea what we should discuss here: you don't have ppmelody anymore.
So let the pig fly.

Wrong, tinkle toes. I checked today and it's 47%. It has come up during the rebuild. It was steady at 38%. You should be spending more time servicing the scripts you are putting out and less time annoying others. Oh, that's right, your support is also annoying others.
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Postby muzikia on Jul 09, 2012 6 pm

See, was so simple to answer.
http://www.ModMyScript.com - PHPMelody plugins and mods since 2008
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Postby dhunt on Jul 11, 2012 6 pm

muzikia wrote:See, was so simple to answer.

Did I type slow enough? Was any words too big for you?

Here Fido, fetch.
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Postby mephisto on Jul 11, 2012 10 pm

Now who would I believe, you or a couple of SEO experts?

Closing this subject, you can believe whoever you want to believe.
I don't do in "believe"... most people I know go to church for that.
What I know is more important to me than what you or anybody else might believe.

I wouldn't even know who my "competitors" might be. I never even bothered to find out because I couldn't care less.
I do what I do, based on what I know, and the way I want to do it and that is that. Nothing to prove and nothing to achieve and not even interested in pretending. The only times I looked at another phpmelody site is when somebody posted it here because they had a problem.

And since you seem to be starting all over again with your lack of SEO for melody and melody performing bad in search engines, enjoy your monologue.

I have nothing left to add. Everything has been said. Loud and clear, for those that know how to listen.
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Postby dhunt on Jul 11, 2012 11 pm

You tag team partner continue it. Tag you're it.

Now, Rover, fetch the stick.

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Postby webbiepublisher on Sep 03, 2012 5 am

There is a melody site ranked in the top 1100 sites on alexa..just saying..can't be that bad if someone had that level of success with it..
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