Generate sitemap and video sitemap and pages width
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Sorry, I'm a newbie with this really nice script....what does it mean 'To generate the sitemap and video sitemap'.
I downloaded the Smarty Documentation pdf file to learn a little bit more on how all this works; I substantially need to modify, for the default template, the page width size. I need to have three different widths : 834 px, 1280 px and 1920 px. Any suggestions to point me in the right direction.....otherwise what a headache....Bye
I downloaded the Smarty Documentation pdf file to learn a little bit more on how all this works; I substantially need to modify, for the default template, the page width size. I need to have three different widths : 834 px, 1280 px and 1920 px. Any suggestions to point me in the right direction.....otherwise what a headache....Bye
- michelefaccini
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Hi michelfaccini, GGGrrrrrrrrrrrr
please post a simple question, no i'm joke
A sitemap is like the name it says,Oh,but in your case
d'ont attack a complex theme like smarty!
Turn a little bit around google to learn more about that wat your are trying to do now:)
please post a simple question, no i'm joke
A sitemap is like the name it says,Oh,but in your case
d'ont attack a complex theme like smarty!
Turn a little bit around google to learn more about that wat your are trying to do now:)
morane57 - Verified Customer
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Really nice pagination......My website users can choose between these 3 page sizes...I setup my website like this because my upload DSL line is really ridiculous...choosing the lower resolution, they in fact download a lighter content....With PHP ( which I'm actually trying to learn ), based on the user resolution, I have to load one the following file : css.css (for a 1920px) or css_lw.css (for a 1280px) or css_xlw.css (for a 854px) .This is what I have done for my website's maybe simple but it works...TPL files can't have php coding inside...right ? So I need to define some variables elsewhere.....Thanks for your answer ( even if a little bit too vague ) and your time....
PS: what does the sitemap do ? => fill in the SQL tables with what is present ( videos,comments,avatar pictures...) in the site...right ?
PS: what does the sitemap do ? => fill in the SQL tables with what is present ( videos,comments,avatar pictures...) in the site...right ?
- michelefaccini
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Sitemaps make files with the content on your site (every page and video) which you can submit to search engines (for example in Google Webmaster tools) so they know what people can find on your site.
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Trace - Verified Customer
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I read elsewhere that modifying the httpd.conf file, at line:
And adding whatever file extensions I wish to be passed to the php engine after the '.php', seperated by a space ,it may contain extensions other than just .php (for example The Savant template engine uses .tpl.php ). Is it a way to obtain what I want ?
And adding whatever file extensions I wish to be passed to the php engine after the '.php', seperated by a space ,it may contain extensions other than just .php (for example The Savant template engine uses .tpl.php ). Is it a way to obtain what I want ?
- michelefaccini
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no but you can use many php functions in smarty templates
PHP Melody Plugins developer
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PHP Melody plugins + themes for 1.6 and 1.7-2.7 | Subscribe to news of my work | Follow me on Facebook
Trace - Verified Customer
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