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Uploas Error

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Postby mubali2003 on Aug 20, 2015 7 pm

Dear Friends....

Always Uploading Error. Why this Problem? Can Help Any One.
1 or 3 Time Try to Upload 1 File !

Thank You
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Postby videotana on Aug 21, 2015 8 am

I had this issue before. the upload tabs were acting crazy. but it has been fixed. seldomly now I get such error and it is probably cache related
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Postby Andrew on Aug 26, 2015 3 pm

Uploading issues can be related to a number of things, ranging from the uploader's internet connection to the server configuration.

The first recommendation would be to turn of any proxy or VPN services while uploading videos. Secondly, see that your hosting provider has not configured mod_security to a way stricter setting than necessary.

Here is a document addressing upload problems: http://help.phpmelody.com/how-to-fix-th ... g-process/

If everything fails, you can always use FTP to upload the video files directly into the /uploads/videos/ folder and then add those videos using the "Add Video from URL" page in PHP Melody's back-end/admin area.
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